- …

- …

What cannot be taken away from you?
What are your mysterious knacks?
What are you here to deliver?
What is stopping you?
What can unleash you?
What value is it to hear the living silence
and smell the messages being sent back and forth
in a thriving healthy ecosystem?
Nonmaterial Value
Next culture is powered by Nonmaterial Values that modern culture knows nothing about.
Each person has a piece of the puzzle to contribute.
This means you do too.
The capitalist patriarchal empire - in other words, 'modern culture' - is centered on material value.
This means that the Gameworld Traditions of modern culture are centered around physical objects: owning, possessing, manipulating, manufacturing, repairing, selling, buying, identifying with, stealing, digging up, refining, transporting, etc... physical objects.
In modern culture, nature - read that as 'life' - only has value if money changes hands.
Money is a material object. In modern culture, money equates to the value attributed to various kinds of material substances such as oil, gold, land, pork bellies, real estate mortgages, etc.
Modern culture is dedicated to monetizing nature.
Because of our weak-willed, gullible, comfort-seeking, Zombie training, modern culture has not been stopped. Humanity is succeeding at monetizing nature.
The end game for modern culture is a few psychopaths standing on a toxic barren Earth at the top of corporate hierarchies with trillions of zeroes of 'money' in their personal computer accounts... everything else be damned.
All Gameworlds are experimental. Building out Regenerative Initiation-Centered Gaian Gameworld Space is a Nonmaterial Value.
Many of us are engaged in building-out and trying to inhabit experimental regenerative-culture gameworlds, centered on nurturing complex healthy ecosystems on Earth, centered on the evolution of human consciousness, centered on healing each other, centered on Radical Responsibility and Archetypal Love. These are Nonmaterial Values.
One of the many keys for practical success in Archiarchal Gameworld-Building is to re-evaluate what is being valued. This is a Nonmaterial Value.
Basing a socio-economic system around valuing material stuff - meaning, to value how much of certain kinds of stuff you have (even numbers in a computer is stuff) - is doomed to duplicate exactly what modern culture already produces.
This means Bitcoin and cryptocurrencies are material, modern culture painted gambling green.
Material stuff is limited, because material space is limited. We live on a planet. It is commonly believed that no new countries can be created because all the land on Earth is already claimed by one of the existing nation states. But this construct is based on the assumption that a nation must be associated with a piece of land, and this is a false assumption. If it were true, then every time you set foot into a new country you would be given a new passport. But you are not. The country exists around you wherever you are because the country is your passport. Get a new passport and you have moved into a new country.
Assuming that territory is limited automatically resulting in competition, scarcity, winners and losers, strife.
But think about this: In energetic domains, space is not limited.
In nonmaterial worlds, there is unlimited space for building out new gameworlds centered around creating and exchanging nonmaterial values.
Nonmaterial values are often more valuable than any material currency can pay for.
If you have ever received or experienced Nonmaterial Value, you understand how trying to pay with money in exchange for the Clarity or Possibility you received is not a fair exchange. No amount of money can actually pay for a new future.
What do we mean by ‘nonmaterial value’?
(Please keep in mind that asking 'What are nonmaterial values?' is risky business, because the reader may be committed to a value system that only values material stuff ('diamonds are forever') and may reject nonmaterial value as worthless. Still, let us take that risk. Let’s give it a try.)
An economy centered on exchanging nonmaterial value would include innumerable currencies with no possible exchange rates.
What sorts of valuables are these?
Here is a tiny fraction of a beginning list of nonmaterial value that is being created and exchanged in Archiarchal culture gameworlds:
- Delivering authentic adulthood initiatory processes.
- Guiding the decontamination of the adult egostate.
- Transforming unhealed traumatic experiences into solid Matrix to be used in Adulthood.
- Facilitating gameworld culture shift.
- Opening up the way for a person to lower their Numbness Bar.
- Causing adventure.
- Making it possible for someone to become aware of what they were not aware of and entering the waking state.
- Negotiating intimacy in 5 bodies.
- Upgrading Standard Human Intelligence Thoughtware.
- Putting the poop on the table.
- Coaching Radical Relating.
- Providing Emotional Healing Processes (EHP).
- Clarifying and deepening context in any gameworld.
- Accessing nothingness and not-knowing as resources.
- Creating possibility.
- Holding and Navigating nonlinear and unreasonable spaces.
- Accompanying the dying.
- Distilling transformational distinctions.
- Performing memetic surgeries.
- Pulling the rug out from under assumptions, expectations, resentments.
- Relocating the Point Of Origin.
- Dismantling irrelevant gameworlds.
- Igniting the powers of declaring, choosing, and asking.
- Inventing opportunity.
- Shifting ordinary space into extraordinary or archetypal space.
- Using segway phrases to start interesting conversations with strangers.
- Jacking in to Bright Principles and Archetypal Lineage as external resources.
- Stellating conscious anger, fear, sadness, and joy into Archetypal internal resources.
- Building Matrix for enduring the intensity of archetypal love.
- Becoming centered, grounded, and bubbled enough to play full out.
- Building out and inhabiting new next-culture gameworld spaces.
...we could keep going for days, but we want to share a bridge to next culture with you.
It is possible to live your life day-by-day, minute-by-minute, Contexted in respecting, creating, and delivering your unique Non Material Value to your Village.
The Being of a human being has Value before they think, do, or say anything.
You can detect the Value of Being my Noticing the various qualities of experience that arise from being connected with the Presence of another person. Then another person. Then another person. If you lower your Numbness Bar and make a Being-to-Being connection, you discover that each person's Presence is unique. How can this be?
In fact you already know that each person's Being is unique because you 'like' some people, and other people bother the hell out of you. Why is this?
Each person's unique Nonmaterial Value emanates from their Being and their Spaceholding.
- Relocating your Point Of Origin from a Material Value Culture to a Nonmaterial Value Culture is fresh and cutting edge research. If you would like to participate in this research, please use the Contact Form at the bottom of StartOver.xyz to send us:
- Explanations of the Emotional Healing Processes (EHP) that you find are needed.
- Details about the 'gold' and new Distinctions you discover from your EHPs and your 3 Phase Healing processes.
- New Thoughtware that you implement.
- New Thoughtmaps that emerge.
- New Archiarchy Skills that you practice to develop your abilities to relate, create, and thrive in a Nonmaterial-Value-centered culture.
- Any further projects or Gameworlds that emerge, such as a Bridge-House, Nanonation, Ecovillage, or Community.
- Further Experiments that you find to do.
Thank you for being an Edgeworker or a Riftwalker in action.
One might wish to be able to suddenly make the leap directly into a fully functioning Nonmaterial Value and Authentic Adulthood Initiatory Process centered culture, but... we are not there yet.
We are at the beginning. You are at the edge. No fully functioning Archiarchy society exists yet. There are millions of Archiarchy seeds planted all around the world. Many projects are sprouting roots and shoots. These words you are reading are one of the fruits of an existing Archiarchal Seed Project. People are thinking about these things so there already exist books. But you are a fore-runner. You have a pioneer's job to do: Cavitate newly Contexted territory, march right into it, relocate your Point Of Origin there, and build out new Gamespace for others to occupy with you.
In a thriving Archiarchal Culture, there is no money. Money automatically misbehaves because it is a 'medium of exchange', supposedly designed to 'represent value'. However, as a 'medium', money is a material object. In a Material-Value-centered culture-Gameworld, money is perceived as having value in and of itself! Yes, this is naïve and childish, but uninitiated humans are extremely naïve and childish. As soon as the 'medium of exchange' has perceived value, people try to horde it, stash it in 'bank accounts', take any gamble to get more of it because it is thought to give them 'security' and 'comfort' and 'happiness', which are Fantasy Worlds. Even the Beatles knew that, "Money can't buy you love."
In Archiarchy, children and adolescents prepare themselves for their Adulthood Initiations which begin around 18 years of age. From then on, Archans deliver whatever quality of their Nonmaterial Value they are capable of delivering until their last breath. Jobs do not come from employers. Jobs come from your Pearl, your Bright Principles, your Stellated Feelings Archetypes, your Archetypal Lineage, and from E.C.C.O. (Earth Coincidence Control Office). In Archiarchy, there are no employers and employees, no slave-owners and slaves. There are no brands, franchises, absentee ownership, landlords, career-paths, retirement benefits, tax havens, hierarchies, corporate personhood, or non-local authorities. These are all crippling manifestations of a capitalist patriarchal empire.
Capitalist Patriarchal Empire Gameworlds are dust on the path of Gaia's experiment of creating an organic creature capable of causing transformation and evolving its manifestation of consciousness.
As a cultural-transformation Edgeworker your job is to serve as a bridge to next culture, but doing so leaves you in the uncomfortable situation of having to develop and deliver Healing, Initiation, and Transformation Processes as an interim solution.
This is the way.
You will be thriving in the muddy waters of using 'Transition Currencies' with one foot anchored in patriarchy and your other foot anchored in Archiarchy. This demands keeping your Sword Of Clarity to hand at all times, with its point at people's throats pressing with enough Clarity to Distinguish what the hell you think you are doing in an understandable fashion to people on both sides of the bridge.
This is not in the least bit comfortable, but it is endlessly entertaining.
Transformation is the greatest entertainment on Earth.
Delivering effective Transformation is a Nonmaterial Value.
What Happens During The Culture-Shift To Nonmaterial Value?
WorkTalk: Shifting to A Nonmaterial Value Culture (with Clinton Callahan & Anne-Chloé Destremau)
Article by Clinton Callahan
Any economic system basing its success on material consumption, either raw or refined, defines wealth as eating yourself: self-cannibalism.
Sure, take a bite out of your arm and your body can derive more calories than you spent by biting off the chunk of flesh, especially if you use a knife instead of just your teeth.
But digestion also consumes energy (transportation, manufacturing, packaging, marketing, delivery, trash collection, and recycling). And then what? Where do you acquire the nutrients needed to heal your self-made wound?
Or do you plan to leave your wound unhealed? It stays there as a toxic waste dump? A tar sands oil refinery? A decommissioned nuclear power-generation station? Plastic in the oceans? Methane in the atmosphere? Depleted-uranium bullets you can fire into 'enemy territory'? Who is the enemy? You think you can dump it into the ocean? You like eating your own feces?
Your strategy is to stay alive by chewing off more and more of your own flesh? By now, with clear-cutting, deep drilling, mountaintop removal, and open-pit mines, we are already gnawing the last bits of flesh off the bones of the Earth. You are of the Earth. This is self-cannibalism... READ THE ARTICLE
What value is it to be
wrapped-up and tumbled inside of a huge and perfect
pure ocean curl,
even if the experience lasts only a few seconds?
Culture Shift
We are at the Flux Point where humanity departs from Patriarchy and enters Archiarchy.
Modern culture is not broken. It is doing exactly what it is designed to do: monetize nature.
Since modern culture is not broken, it cannot be fixed. Thinking that we are going to correct the ills of modern culture, or somehow transform modern culture into next culture, is naïve.
A central part of the psychopathic agenda is to defend itself against change. Read that as guarding against loss of control by the psychopathic personalities at the top of the hierarchies. During the past several decades, all modern hierarchies have been hijacked by those who can best suited to 'do whatever it takes to climb the ladder' and take positions of power. With facial recognition functioning at G5 speeds, militarized local police forces, S.W.A.T. Teams alerted, helicopter mounted microwave 'pain rays', special powers invoked... trying to march in the streets with signs to complain, to petition the lords for change... is naïve and ineffective. This they can crush.
To paraphrase Buckminster Fuller: "You do not change things by fighting against the existing gameworlds. You change things by building new Gaian Gameworlds that make the existing gameworlds irrelevant."
Bucky actually said, "make the existing systems obsolete," but the existing systems are ALREADY obsolete.
Don't be left behind playing in a stupid gameworld...
It is so easy to get Hooked back into the Belief System with Thoughtware that says, "Money is something valuable, actually the most valuable thing in the world." This thoughtware is not bad, or wrong, or stupid, but it does cause specific results: namely is causes the capitalist patriarchal empire. It is outdated Thoughtware, exterminating life on Earth.
In reality, money is a false authority. Money is a Gameworld like any other Gameworld: fictitious.
An Experiment would be to deeply inquire how you relate to money:- How do you give your center away to money?
- What are you fears relating to having money or not having money?
- What are your fears regarding the existence of money?
- What are your Gremlin's benefit to give your center away to money?
- Where did each piece of your money Thoughtware come from?
Changing one Rule Of Engagement of a Gameworld creates an entirely new Gameworld.
For example, if you put a net across the soccer field, or added a second ball, or allowed each team to have one bicycle, or every time a point is scored the scoring team gives one player to the opposing team, etc., each Rule Change creates an entirely new Gameworld.
Culture is a Gameworld.
A whole new Culture Gameworld arises if you shift to putting something else as the central Value than money.
Archiarchy is an entirely different culture than Matriarchy or Patriarchy, and it is rapidly emerging around the world beneath modern culture's radar. Archiarchy starts with Nonmaterial Value (and Authentic Adulthood Initiatory Processes) as its central Values.
Nonmaterial Value is value that is not connected to owning, having, possessing, using, repairing, buying, renting, selling, mining, processing, designing, manufacturing, storing, stealing, recycling, or transporting, material objects.
Money is a material object.
Initiations were banished from the Gameworld Traditions of modern culture for the simple reason that psychopathic and sociopathic personalities fail initiations, and are therefore easily detected and prevented from taking any position of power at any level of society.
Who banished Initiations? The psychopaths who were the first to make it to the top of modern culture's hierarchies.
Who brings Initiations back into human cultures on Earth? You do, as a builder of Gaian Gameworlds in next culture - Archiarchy - the culture naturally emerging around the world now that matriarchy and patriarchy have run their course.
We have discovered in Possibilitator Training that as you transform your childhood into Compost through Emotional Healing Processes, and Build Matrix through Authentic Initiatory Processes of Phase 1 of Adulthood, the Evolutionary Path naturally begins to move you into the Domain of Phase 2 Adulthood.
What value would it be
enjoying sex with someone you love
on top of Half Dome in Yosemite Valley?
What If It Turns You On To Create More Possibility For Others
For What Really Turns Them On?
What inspires your aliveness for no reason?
What is the job you would do for no pay?
What possibility excites you?
Which of the following Doorways do you value enough to provide it for others?
Sensing this truthfully can take you straight to your Nonmaterial Value.
Below are shown some of the Nonmaterial Values that are turning us on to create for others.
But... what turns you on to create for others?
Archiarchy is being born as you read these words. There is so much more to be Invented.
What piece of the puzzle to you bring?
What turns you on to create for others? What is your Archiarchy Specialty?
HINT: It may NOT be shown below. You may need to build out new Archiarchy Gamespace and start inhabiting it yourself!
We cheer you on! Let us know what you create so we can share it with others!
- What value is it to be blastedby wind and rain, frightened by lightening boltsfrom a storm that no one else can even see?
A 'Transition Currency' Is A Bridge To Archiarchy
A 'Transition Currency' works at both ends of a Culture-Shift Bridge.
Emotional Healing Processes (EHP) have become a 'transition currency' from modern culture to next culture,
from material value to Nonmaterial Value.
By delivering 3 to 6 professional EHPs per week you can quit your corporate job!
In various online and offline WorkTalks, Workshops, study groups, possibility teams, videos, conferences, etc., people are discovering the possibility of experiencing Emotional Healing Processes (EHP) for themselves.
Gaining first-hand experience with what a difference even one EHP can make, people are holding space for each other to do more EHPs. There are already EHP Dojos forming up!
In this way, EHPs are becoming a transition currency from modern culture to next culture.
The bridge goes like this:
- Experience your first EHPs, in Study Groups, Possibilitator Meetings for Specialties or Regions, WorkTalks, Workshops, Videos, online or offline conferences, in Expand The Box trainings, or Possibility Labs.
- Decide you want more EHPs for yourself.
- Arrange to have 50 EHPs for yourself, free or paid. At the same time, take courage and start holding space for and navigating free EHPs for other participants in these EHP-friendly rapid-learning environments.
- At the back of your Beep! Book, make a list from 1 to 50 to log the 50 EHPs you deliver for free to other people in your Teams. For each process you deliver, document the date, time, Client's name, entry question, and the results (e.g. which emotion, which block removed, which boundary made, bypassed which mind machine, which decontamination, new decisions done, floor process done, practices started, etc.).
- While delivering your 50 free EHPs, keep Building Matrix to increase your ability to deliver extraordinary EHPs by doing the following:
- Watch all 100+ example EHPs online at http://createpossibility.mystrikingly.com/#100-videos
- Read Conscious Feelings by Clinton Callahan, or any of the other PM contexted books shown at: https://museumofpm.mystrikingly.com/#books
- Participate in Expand The Box training, online or offline.
- Participate in your next Possibility Lab to upscale your ability to hold and navigate transformational spaces.
- Create your own weekly Possibility Team.
- Start delivering monthly WorkTalks about feelings work and what is possible for emotional healing.
- Write and publish one article each month about discoveries you have made and new perspectives are finding, to share the Treasure with others. This is the kind of Treasure that grows bigger each time you give it away.
- Start asking yourself if delivering EHPs might be your next-culture specialty in Possibilitator Training. This means you would be becoming a Possibility Coach. Have a call with the spaceholder for Possibility Coaching Training to check out what this means.
- While delivering numbers #40 to #50 of your 50 free EHPs, build your personal website to take a stand for delivering paid EHPs in the world. This is about shifting identity to being a Possibility Coach, a Possibility Mediator, or a Possibility Psychologist.
- The #51 EHP that you deliver is no longer for free. We request that you use a standard price for EHP #51 to #100. The price to charge for your first 50 paid 1-to-2-hour EHP online-or-offline is a sliding scale, depending on where your Client lives. ‘Sliding Scale’ means that you Client gets to choose how much they give you:
- YELLOW TIER - Countries with a cost-of-life equivalent to Brazil / Turkey / Egypt = 20 to 100 $/€ in the local currency.
- BLUE TIER - Countries with a cost-of-life equivalent to Poland / Portugal = 35 to 100 $/€ in the local currency.
- RED TIER - Countries with a cost-of-life equivalent to Germany, France, USA, Canada = 50 to 100 $/€.
- Starting with EHP #101 you raise the price for your EHPs to the global standard PM price for an EHP, which, again, depends on where your Client lives:
- YELLOW TIER - Countries with a cost-of-life equivalent to Brazil / Turkey / Egypt = 55 to 115 $/€ in the local currency.
- BLUE TIER - Countries with a cost-of-life equivalent to Poland / Portugal = 100 to 200 $/€ in the local currency.
- RED TIER - Countries with a living cost equivalent to Germany, France, USA, Canada = 150 to 300 $/€
- A Possibility Coach delivers about 5 EHPs per week. After delivering paid EHPs for a while, compare the value of what you can provide at your corporate job to the value you can provide through your Archiarchy specialty. Consider moving out of patriarchy and into Archiarchy. Consider only providing services that align with your true values in a gameworld you built. Then consider quitting your corporate job. Yes, it is true. You may need a few EHPs yourself to become the person who can make this shift. This is how it goes.
- As you inhabit more Archiarchy gameworlds, do not be surprised if you find yourself in certain circumstances providing EHPs for free again. You have the freedom to do this because you already receive so much value from others in your village who are providing their Archiarchal services to you for free. This is when you know that you have become a seed of next culture.
Interviews About Nonmaterial Value in German
What value is it to be warmly welcomed
by the Grandmother tree deep in the center of a forest?
Nonmaterial Value Experiments
The point of experimenting is to become discovery.
Matrix Code NONMATER.01
To become more aware of your own unique Nonmaterial Value, you can do the following Feedback and Coaching Experiment in your next Possibility Team.
- Begin the Experiment by reading out loud together http://culturetoculture.mystrikingly.com website. Discuss each Distinction until each person on the Team gets it in their bones.
- Two people go on stage at the front of the room. The scene to enact is: one person lives in Archiarchy, centered on Authentic Adulthood and Archetypal Initiatory Processes and Nonmaterial Value, the other person lives in Patriarchy, centered on surviving within the capitalist patriarchal empire centered on Material Value. You are enacting a Culture-To-Culture Conversation.
- Learn how to Keep Your Center and still be Connected.
- Learn how to Negotiate Intimacy and Propose Deals without losing any part of your Integrity and Culture.
- Learn how to make Nonlinear, Unreasonable, and Transformational Offers so that both parties get what they want. Except, for example, if the other party wants to have control or power over you. Then you Pull The Rug Out from under the Space, and have the Context Shifting conversation about Gremlin Transformation and Decontaminating the Adult Egostate from the Gremlin, Child, Parent, and Demon Egostates.
- The challenge in this Experiment is for you -an Archan (an inhabitant of an Archiarchal culture) - to respect your own culture as much as you respect the other person's Patriarchal culture. Ask the Patriarch questions of authentic curiosity using Vacuum Learning (taking the Patriarch down all 3 levels into their Underworld). At the same time, answer the Patriarch's questions about how you live without money. How do you deliver your Nonmaterial Value without having a job?
- Call forth real-time Feedback and Coaching from the audience as Go! Beep! Shift! Go! rapid learning. Culture-To-Culture conversations are a central Archan skill, that provide incredible amount of Nonmaterial Value.
- After 15 minutes of Rapid Learning Stagework Roleplaying, have the people on the stage change roles and continue for another 15 minutes. After that, open the space for questions and considerations for a few minutes, then ask for two new volunteers to go on stage and start again.
- We think this Experiment is worth repeating over and over in many different circumstances. There is so much Thoughtware To Upgrade and so many Archiarchal Skills to learn and practice together.
- This Experiment may unleash Reactivity, Assumptions, Expectations, Conclusions, Resentments, Projections, Judgements, Stories, etc. each one accompanied by deep Emotions that are Doorways to a number of Emotional Healing Processes (EHP) during Possibility Coaching sessions. Have people write down each gateway to an EHP in the back of their Beep! Book so they can do the EHP during the next week.
- Ask Team members to Write An Article (as a Team or individually) about the details of their learning experience, and to submit the link to their finished and published article to http://jewelsofpossibility.mystrikingly.com.
After completing ALL 11 steps of experiment and sending your published article to Jewels of Possibility, please register Matrix Code NONMATER.01 in your free account at StartOver.xyz.This Experiment is worth 3 Matrix Points.HELP EACH PERSON IN YOUR TEAM TO STAND IN AND DELIVER THEIR OWN UNIQUE NONMATERIAL VALUE
Matrix Code NONMATER.02
This experiment has multiple phases to do over one week and two meetings of your Possibility Team or 3Cell.
PHASE 1_First meeting.Read through parts of this website together. One person reads out loud. Anytime someone has a question or a comment, pause, and research the question or comment. Move slowly and as a Team for maximum 45 minutes.
PHASE 2_First meeting.
Then, divide the Team in groups of 3.
Two people sitting across from one person.
The two people, your job is to scan your Team member in front of you and be radically honest about the Value that you receive from their Presence and Spaceholding. Answer the question: What is the Value for you in connecting Being-to-Being to this person? What is being alivened in you when you connect Being-to-Being with this person?
The 'client' receiving the Clarity takes note in their Beep! Book about what is being said.
Then rotate, each person gets 6 minutes of radically honest feedback about their Nonmaterial Value.
Hint: Noticing other people's Being's Nonmaterial Value is a Nonmaterial Value!
PHASE 3_In between the two meetings.
During the week in between two of your Possibility Team or 3Cell meetings, the experiment is to more consciously and intentionally provide the Nonmaterial Values that you received feedback from. Your job is to stand in your Nonmaterial Value, and not shy away from it. In the various spaces that you move into, or the different conversation that you find yourself be involved in, make it your purpose to provide one or two of your Nonmaterial Value.
PHASE 4_Second meeting.
Depending on the number of people, either break out in groups of 3 or 4 people or stay together the main circle.
Report on your week-long experiments of standing in your Nonmaterial Value AND at the end,
stands up and be radically honest about the Value that people receive from your Being's Presence and Spaceholding, and stand in them as your currency in the world.
After completing every step of this experiment, please register Matrix Code NONMATER.02 in your free account at StartOver.xyz.
This Experiment is worth 2 Matrix Points.
Matrix Code NONMATER.03
This experiment is a Meditation on the difference between Material Value and Nonmaterial Value and appreciating the difference.
Choose three friends of yours with different level of closeness: one is one of your best friends, one is a friend you have regular contact with and the third friend is a distant one (one that you might not have connected with for a while).
The starting point of this experiment is discovering that any assessment of Value is subjective. The purpose of this experiment is to distinguish in yourself what kind of Value-noticing you have been using (probably unconsciously) and practice different kind of Value-noticing, in other words, a shift of your Value-noticing from Material Value to Nonmaterial Value.
In your Beep! Book, create a grid with make four columns and three rows. In the top rows (skipping the first column), write the name of each of your friends.
In the first colum-write 'Material Value' (2nd row) and 'Nonmaterial Value' (3rd row).
Connect with each one of your friend, and list the Qualities that you notice in your friends in the corresponding colums, Material Quality or Nonmaterial Quality.
Example of Material Quality: How good are tennis they? Where do they live? What kind of apartment they have? Do they have a dog? What do they look like? Their physical qualities. What job do they have? Where do they go on holiday?
Examples of Nonmaterial Quality: Their ability to cause magic. Their orientation towards world problems. What kind of Love do they exudes towards plants? Their ability to listen. Their ability to take a stand. Their ability to inspire. The vision that they hold and manifest.
Then, continue this practice of shifting your Value-noticing from Material Quality to Nonmaterial Quality one week in the different space that you are. Especially, when you walk down the street, what are you noticing about other people? What do you ordinarily scan for? People's bags, their cloth, the way they walk, what they are buying? This is Material Value noticing.
Consciously shift to only scan Nonmaterial Value. Scan their Being. Scan their potential. Scan their attention. Scan their care.Notice how shifting your noticing shift your Possibility of Radically Relating with your fellow human beings.
After completing every step of this experiment, please register Matrix Code NONMATER.03 in your free account at StartOver.xyz.This Experiment is worth 2 Matrix Points.GO SHOPPING FROM A NONMATERIAL VALUE PERSPECTIVE
Matrix Code NONMATER.04
For one week, take your usual, weekly grocery shopping list and instead of using Material Value characteristics for your shopping such as:
How much does this cost? What country does this come from? Where is this manufactered? What are the ingredients? How will it serve me physically?
Shop from a Nonmaterial Value perspective:
How does this amplify my Resonance Field?
How does this help me on my Quest?
What new Possibilities does this bring me?
What new kinds of Energetic impressions does this give me?Let your Resonance Field, your Quest, your Archetypal Body, Possibility, Love, your Bright Principles guide you through the grocery store or the market.
Your shopping (even for material objects) becomes not about the Material Value of the material object but their Nonmaterial Value.
Notice the shifts happening in the Quality of your Life that week.
After completing this experiment, please register Matrix Code NONMATER.04 in your free account at StartOver.xyz.This Experiment is worth 1 Matrix Point.ORGANIZE A 'NONMATERIAL VALUE' POTLUCK DINNER
Matrix Code NONMATER.05
This experiment follows Experiment NONMATER.04 just above.
Organize a 'Nonmaterial Value' Potluck Dinner and invite at least 5 of your friends to join the Dinner.
Your invitation includes one or more 1-on-1 or group conversation(s) about the Nonmaterial Value of material object that you have noticed and gathered on your own shopping trips and the results this experiment created in your Life.
Give them examples of Nonmaterial Value Quality to help them on their Quest:
Have they ever been to an organic wholefood store?
Or a chinese or asian butchery?Or harvested their own vegetable at a local farm?
Or grown their own sprouts, herb, or vegetable?
Or found a rare specie of potatoes?
Have they ever eaten a guanabana? A cherimoya? A chocolate sapote? A rambutan?
Everyone comes to the Nonmaterial Value Potluck Dinner, brings something that have personal Nonmaterial Value and share this Nonmaterial Value with the party. It seriously could just be sprouts.Explore each of your Nonmaterial Values during the Dinner.
After completing this experiment, please register Matrix Code NONMATER.05 in your free account at StartOver.xyz.This Experiment is worth 2 Matrix Points.DELIVER YOUR NONMATERIAL VALUE NO MATTER WHAT
Matrix Code NONMATER.06
Complete Experiment NONMATER.02 before doing this experiment.
The following week in your Possibility Team, split up in groups of 3 or if you are a small Team stay together.
You start. Ask your Team to give you five different very clear experiments in which you deliver these specific Nonmaterial Value to your Circle. In exchange for their Possibility Creation, you commit to do ALL five experiments in the next two weeks. Trust your Possibility Team's assessment of your Nonmaterial Value more than your own assessment of your Nonmaterial Value.
During the rest of the Possibility Team, or the following week (depending on how much you have), or during extra meeting, practice delivering your Nonmaterial Value to your Team member(s). Ask for real time Feedback and Coaching while you are delivering your Nonmaterial Value. Take it in even if it... freaks your Box out!
After you have completed ALL five of your experiments, report back to your Possibility Team. In addition, ask for any further clarifications or experiments so you can improve delivering these particular Nonmaterial value.
After completing ALL 5 experiments, please register Matrix Code NONMATER.06 in your free account at StartOver.xyz.This Experiment is worth 3 Matrix Points.DELIVER YOUR NONMATERIAL VALUE AS A TRANSITION CURRENCY
Matrix Code NONMATER.07
A number of Nonmaterial Values are Transition Currencies. Meaning in addition to their manifestation of real Nonmaterial Value, they can also be valued in USD or Euros per session or per hour. Delivering your Nonmaterial Value has value in the material realm as well as in the nonmaterial realms.
To deliver your Nonmaterial Value as a Transition Currency requires that you have one foot in modern culture's Context and one foot in the Archiarchal Context.
You have to take a stand for the nonmaterial value you are delivering and the price it is worth.
Some people try to deliver Nonmaterial Value like singing or entertaining children, caring for older people without being able to give it a material value price. Mothering, for example. All these kinds of feminine value-giving, nurturing, healing processes and wellbeing processes are difficult to equate to a dollar-per-instance or dollar-per-hour price.
Your job is to find your Nonmaterial Value that you can use as a Transition Currency, meaning you personally provide the Nonmaterial Value and receive for example material value in exchange, such ase money or food or rent with the idea that you can quit your corporate job.
So many of us are in survival. We believe the catechism of patriarchy: I need money to survive, and therefore I must sacrifice hours of my life doing things I do not really want to do in order to get enough money for food and rent.
This experiment is to become absurdly effective at delivering the Nonmaterial Value of one particular Transition Currency.
After completing this experiment, please register Matrix Code NONMATER.07 in your free account at StartOver.xyz.This Experiment is worth 1 Matrix Point.DESIGN AN ARCHIARCHAL GAIAN GAMEWORLD VILLAGE
Matrix Code NONMATER.08
This experiment is to, either alone or with 1 or 2 other people in your 3cell, meet for 3 different afternoons, 3 times you meet for designing the social interfaces and the life activities, how it would work.
How the gaian gameworld works. Without money, without competition, without hierarchy, design a gameworld. How does human interactions work. Design it in a way that would be attractive to you.
Note: It is possible that huge amounts of sadness, fear and anger come up, which would indicate valuable emotional healing processes to be done while you are confronted with your resistances, your thoughtware or conslusions, resistances to imagining what Archiarchy is like. Just imagining it, having resistance to that. For example, you might think: 'I have this shirt'. Do I own this shirt, can I rent this shirt, could somebody come up and say 'I want to use this shirt'.
How do you relate to the material value world we currently live in, from the nonmaterial value perspective. Oftentimes the relationship is one of control and fear and territoriality and status and domination. So this is your shadow world. Look at your shadow world. Look at how your shadow world is feeding on the material world rules of engagement.How does it ordinarily go in the material value world?
If you sit in a cafe and the wall is not painted well or the chair is broken, who's chair is it? You complain to the owners have them fix it, or do you consider it your chair?
After completing this experiment, please register Matrix Code NONMATER.08 in your free account at StartOver.xyz.This Experiment is worth 3 Matrix Points.BRING THE THE PATH OF TRANSFORMATIONAL LIFE INTO THE ORDINARY LIFE
Matrix Code NONMATER.09
As a healer or an agent of transformation, a shaman, a sourceress, a wizard, your nonmaterial value is to hold and navigate transformation space. Your ability to do so is a nonmaterial value. The training to provide such nonmaterial value is to go first on the path of transformation. Meaning to die first, to heal first, to take a stand first, to commit first. The more your can bring your training programme into your day to day life, the more nonmaterial value your will be able to provide in your life, in your circle.
The experiment is to read through the initiations website until you recognise what your next initiation would be. And prepare yourself for that next evolutionary step by doing an emotional healing process about your fear that has stopped you from doing that initation already. You would have already done that initiation except for the fear. So do the EHP and then go ahead and do the initiation and then celebrate that.
2 or 3 minute interview with yourself while celebrating the transformation of the initiatory process.What it did for you, what you did not know that you did not know about.
After completing this experiment, please register Matrix Code NONMATER.09 in your free account at StartOver.xyz.This Experiment is worth 3 Matrix Points.TEST WHAT IT IS LIKE TO DELIVER THE NONMATERIAL VALUE OF YOUR INFINITE RESOURCES FOR THE BENEFIT OF OTHERS
Matrix Code NONMATER.10
Read through the Infinite Resources website, and give a talk at your next PTeam about all the reasons why you cannot connect with the infinite resources that are available to you everywhere and all the time.
Why you have not done it, why you cannot do it, what is going on for you. It could be a huge amount of things, if you tap into infinite resource and your friends do not, you loose your friends.
You no longer fit into their circle. You are alone. You are considered strange. Or you have responsibilities you do not know what to do with because people will expect you to use your resources to their benefit. Do this talk at your PTeam and have somebody videotape it while you talk. And then give an actual worktalk with the human refusal to use our natural Infinite Resources. Give a worktalk about that. The way it works is that you have 3 distinctions, you talk for 5-10 minutes and then you ask for questions. Then people will ask questions from their own resistances, you use that as your material to talk, as the path to go along.
Put the link of the recording of the wortalk up.
After completing this experiments, please register Matrix Code NONMATER.10 in your free account at StartOver.xyz.This Experiment is worth 4 Matrix Points.INCREASE YOUR AWARENESS OF WHAT IS REALLY GOING ON IN THE WORLD, EVEN IF THE NEW AWARENESS IS PAINFUL
Matrix Code NONMATER.11
Increase oyour clarity about what is nonmaterial value. Being clear about what is nonmaterial value.
An accurate assessment of current reality is nonmaterial value.
The experiment is to, for the next month, is to commit to increase your awareness of what is really going on in the world.
That would include reading all the following resources from climate scientists and watching all documentaries from the possibilty film list and all the dramatised documentary teams. It is recommended to do this as a team or a movie study group. Because the information in these articles and movies are dramatic. Are radically true and awareness expanding. A lot of feelings and emotions will emerge as part of the liquid state of your awareness. You need your team to be heard and go through EHP's about this. In addition to each Matrix Point for each article read and each movie watched, 4 Matrix Points.
After completing this experiment, please register Matrix Code NONMATER.11 in your free account at StartOver.xyz.This Experiment is worth 4 Matrix Points.- What value is it to create extraordinary listeningand then deliver healing and transformation throughnonlinear possibility doorways?
- NOTE: This website is a Bubble in the Bubble Map of the free-to-play massively-multiplayer online-and-offline thoughtware-upgrade matrix-building personal-transformation real-life adventure-game called StartOver.xyz. It is a doorway to experiments that upgrade your thoughtware so you can relocate your point of origin and create more possibility. Your knowledge is what you think about. Your thoughtware is what you use to think with. When you change your thoughtware, you go through a liquid state as your mind reorganizes itself. Liquid states can bring up transformational feelings and emotions. By upgrading your thoughtware you build matrix to hold more consciousness and leave behind a low drama life of reactivity. No one can upgrade your thoughtware for you. More interestingly, no one can stop you from upgrading your thoughtware. Our theory is that when we collectively build 1,000,000 new Matrix Points we will change the morphogenetic field of the human race for the better. Please choose responsibly to read this website. Reading this whole website is worth 1 Matrix Point. Doing any of the experiments earns you additional Matrix Points. Please use Matrix Code NONMATER.00 to log your Matrix Point for reading this website on StartOver.xyz. Thank you for playing full out!
Gaia is waiting to play full out with initiated
free-and-natural adult human beings,
collaboratively exchanging nonmaterial value.
- Clinton Callahan